- Display Featured Badge
- No Ads
- Receive Double Muns
- Receive Triple EXP
- Receive 1 Random Collectible.
- Exclusive Deals and Discounts
- Unlimited Closet Slots

Frequently Asked Questions about the Season Pass
What is Mosha Online Plus?
Mosha Online Plus is our Season Pass Program that lets you obtain some exclusive digital goods that will help you to become Hero in no time.
What are the Payment options?
Most credit/debit cards are allowed.
How do I cancel my Subscription?
You can cancel a subscription by clicking the “Cancel Subscription” button on your Account. A subscription may cancel automatically after up to four unsuccessful attempts to bill you.
What happens when I cancel my subscription?
When you cancel your subscription, you will stop billing to your account and your account will become a normal account immediately.
When do I get Billed?
When you subscribe, you will be billed immediately. Depending on the selected Plan, you will be charged Monthly or Annually. You will be billed on the same date you signed up (e.g. if you subscribe on the 7th of November, you will always be billed on 7th day in a billing cycle).
Can I get a Refund?
Unfortunately, there are no refunds available.
When does my subscription end?
Your subscription will continue indefinitely until you cancel it.